Sunday, November 18, 2012


What is unschooling? It is letting children learn through their own experiences!  It includes play, work experience, and social responsibility rather than a traditional school curriculum.  Unschooling provides children with more freedom and prepares kids for the rapidly changing future!  


How is unschooling different from tradition school?
1) School has classes, unschooling does not
2) The kid sets their own goals instead of the teacher setting goals
3) During unschooling, the student is empowered to learn from his/her own self
4) Unschooling is not structured 
5) During unschooling, learning happens all the time.  


Reasons to Unschool

1) It's how entrepreneurs learn- Entrepreneurs take charge of what they need to know
2) It's much more natural- The school system is modern and famous people of history were learning through unschooling
3) It's freer- The student is free to learn and do what they want

What do I think about unschooling?  

I do not agree with unschooling or home-schooling in general.  I think that children should learn among other students.  They will not efficiently how to communicate with others and how to work with others if they are in their own house all day.  For any job, one must know how to work with others.  Also, I think that learning needs structure.  The common core standards is an efficient way to teach children, which is not provided in unschooling.  Also, unschooling will put many out of jobs.  

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